Convert FLAC to MP3

As is known to everyone that FLAC files are usually too big to fit an MP3 player. That's why FLAC to MP3 conversion is necessary, that's why you need FLAC to MP3 converter to make FLAC files converted into more popular audio format – MP3. Looking for software to convert FLAC to MP3 files? Try FLAC to MP3 Converter to turn big FLAC files to smaller MP3.

What you need?

Software: Video to MP3 Converter
OS Supported: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more

WindowsFree DownloadMacFree Download

Step 1 Start Video to MP3 Converter

Free Download Video to MP3 Converter, add your FLAC file by clicking "Add File" in the menu or in the main interface.

Load Video

Step 2 Select the target files to convert

In "Profile" drop down list box, you may select output format. The software allows setting different output formats according to different files. For example, I may set the FLAC as output format of the sixth FLAC file.

Step 3 Choose the destination

Now let's choose the output folder by clicking the "Browse..." button or directly enter a path in "Destination" drop down list box.


Step 4 Start the FLAC to MP3 cconversion

Finally, click "Convert" in your bottom right. If you're interested in this video converter program, please visit: 4Videosoft Video to MP3 Converter.

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